Book Lend Program

The Book Lend Program was initially established in 2016 by JSU's Student Veterans of America club.  The program is now being run through the JSU Veterans Center.  The Book Lend program hopes to reduce the financial cost of books for students.  Students can check out books at no cost and keep them for one semester.  The following is the process a student can use in order to take advantage of the Book Lend program: 

  1. Text Book - Use the JSU Bookstore's online book search to identify the book you need for each course
  2. JSU Book Lend Catalog - Check out the current inventory of books available through the Book Lend program
  3. Check Out Book / Request a Book Be Held - If there is a book available that you need, fill out the Book Check Out form.  You can then either stop by the Veterans Center and pick up the book the same day or you can request to have the book held for up to 7 days.  (Check your email for confirmation that your book has been held) 


The Book Lend Program exists due to the generous donations of former and current military-connected students or supporters of our military-connected student population.  To donate your books to this program, please fill out the Book Lending Donation form and then bring your books to the JSU Veterans Center. 

Book Lending Donation Form